Work At Home Mom Makes $6895/Month Working Part Time
Popular News 7 Investigates Online Work at Home Programs

Have You Ever Considered Working At Home... Online?

Robin Kelly, our Investigator, Reporting on New Career Trends this Fall
Irene Villanueva of thought that it was impossible for her to sustain a steady income working online. That is until she stumbled upon an online form that looked too good to be true, but it really was true. Before long, she figured out how to pull herself out of the hole that the recession had dug for her. She is now able to provide for her family and spend every day with her two children at home, all while making that steady income.
One of her blogs mentioned that she had suddenly produced a fantastic and steady income working online, so I decided to get in contact with her for an interview in which she shared her story.
“I now make between $6,000 and $7,000 a month working on my home computer. I am satisfied considering that it is enough to replace my former jobs income, plus I only work about 15-20 hours a week.”
Irene had struggled for months prior to stumbling upon that online form and since then she has been working online and making a great living. “I lost my job shortly after the recession hit, I needed reliable income, I was not interested in the ‘get rich quickly’ scams you see all over the Internet. Those are all pyramid schemes. I just needed a legitimate way to earn a living for my family and I. The best part of working online is that I am always home with the kids, I save a lot of money.”
"I now make between $6,000 and $7,000 a month working on my home computer." -Irene Villanueva

Irene Villanueva makes $300 a day online working from home on her laptop. Click here for details
When I asked her about how her remarkable journey, she replied with, “It was pretty easy, all I had to do was fill out a short form and then simply had to apply for the work-at-home system. There was a small sign up fee, but it didn’t really matter considering that within four weeks I was making over $6,000 per month. If you are capable of typing an email, you are capable of doing the job. I myself am no rocket scientist. All I do is list the products that are provided for me and I am never required to deal with customer service nor do I have to actually sell any of the products myself. They are constantly hiring people to post links for them, I suggest you give it a try.”

If it works for Irene then it can most definitely work for you. You must be wondering how it really does work though. To break it down for you, online search and content is worth over $500 billion each year. Every single day there are billions of people using the Internet to search for the information they need, socialize with others and to buy all sorts of products. Whenever you get on the Internet, login to Facebook or search anything on Google, someone is making money online.
This particular system teaches you how to utilize the money making online business and ultimately allows you to get rid of the 9-5 job. During the recession, the online money making business is one of the only ones where normal people have continued to make steady income without worrying about getting laid-off. Considering this, don’t you think it’s time that you get a piece of the pie?
Editor's Note. You have to watch out for scams, and believe me there are a lot of them out there that claim to instantly allow you to make a steady income of $20,000 per week and sometimes even more. The only people making money from these scams are the scammers, this is why you need to be careful. Irene successfully avoided all of those scams and found her own way to fix her unemployment issue.
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Work At Home Mom Makes $6895/Month Working Part Time

Comment Left on: 5/9/2011 @ 9:12pm
The timing of this couldn't be better, my wife and I are struggling too and this could be our answer.

Comment Left on: 5/10/2011 @ 6:53am
Very inspiring! Good to see that some people are able to turn things around despite this horrible economy.

Comment Left on: 5/10/2011 @ 9:33am
Sounds almost too good to be true. After reading this piece, I would think most people would consider giving it a shot. I'm still not 100% convinced yet... Does anyone know what level of computer skills you need for this?

Comment Left on: 5/11/2011 @ 10:01am
Great story! Here's a proof that it's possible. Two months in, I'm not exactly at Irene's level yet, but I'm very pleased with the results so far. Jeff R.

Comment Left on: 5/11/2011 @ 11:45am
holy smokes Jeff!!! though i can't make out the size of the check, it's good to see some validation. thanks!

Comment Left on: 5/11/2011 @ 12:47pm
You don't need much computer skills at all. You will mainly be using your mouse and type a little. I joined 2-3 months ago and I couldn't be happier. Last week I received my biggest check to date since I joined. Someone is going on a shopping spree this weekend :) OXOX Samantha

Comment Left on: 5/11/2011 @ 14:08pm
@Samantha. Shopping sounds like fun, hehe! I also joined about the same time as you. Since then, I convinced 10 people to join including family members, relatives and friends. All of them seem to be doing quite well and I know it has completely changed the lives for a few of them including myself. I have used this story on my blog as well and have received a lot of positive feedback. Here's to a new, better and independent life!

Comment Left on: 5/12/2011 @ 19:08pm
i hope it works. i really hate my job (and boss) and want to quit my job asap!